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Cement mortar was placed in the molds in a few layers and each layer was subjected to vibration on a vibration table for 1 min to ensure the compaction of the composite. On the other hand, when the hydration reactions of alite and belite are in progress, the addition of graphene effects in lower production of Ca(OH)2. acknowledges the support from the Embassy of France in Poland in the form of a cotutelle doctoral program at the University of Strasbourg. Materials: Cement, sand, distilled water, graphene, graphene oxide, and graphite flakes were used in this study to fabricate cement mortar. In addition to our findings in terms of Portland cement Type I, structural characterization of CEM II composites was performed using the same techniques previously described. Therefore, the consumption of concrete components may be reduced, thus mitigating the environmentally harmful impacts of concrete production. It has to provide stiffness too which determines the depth of a structural element. Inhibiting the cement hydration is essential to prepare cement composites' samples for microstructure and composition characterization by means of TGA, SEM, XRD, FTIR, or BET analyses. Particular attention should be paid to Ca(OH)2 content after 1, 3, and 7 d of cement hydration. Nick has been writing and editing at New Atlas for over six years, where he has covered everything from distant space probes to self-driving cars to oddball animal science. What's the prospect for long term resistance to cracking, the bane of all concrete planning? Together with our partners at The University of Manchesters Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre and structural engineers HBPW Consulting, we are rapidly evolving our knowledge and experience and are positioned for wider industry deployment through our construction frameworks, becoming the go-to company for graphene-enhanced concrete., World's first graphene-enhanced concrete slab poured in England, University of Manchester researchers Craig Dawson, Happiness Ijije and Lisa Scullion onsite as workers tend to the world's first graphene-enhanced concrete slab in the background, University of Manchester/Nationwide Engineering, A slab has been poured for a new gym building in England using graphene-enhanced concrete in a world first. Moreover, agglomerations of needlelike crystals, i.e., ettringite, and platelike crystals of Ca(OH)2 can be easily observed in plain, GO, and graphite composites, while they do not occur in graphene mortar. To stop cement hydration, acetone (Carlo Erba Reagents) was used in a process of solvent replacement and liquid nitrogen in a process of freezedrying. As revealed by further structural characterization, graphene promotes the hydration reactions of calcium silicates, thus resulting in much more intense formation of CSH phase, as well as regular and compact microstructure. We then investigated the mechanical properties of produced composites. The Concretene was used in an initial pour of a concrete floor slab for the new Southern Quarter gym near Stonehenge in England in early May, with a second pouring completing the foundation on Tuesday. What about adding the fluff from ground up fiberglass, like old turbine blades? Figure Figure6b,c6b,c portrays the XRD patterns and FTIR spectra of selected CEM I samples (see also Figure S7 in the Supporting Information). The results of sand sieve analysis are plotted in Figure S11 (Supporting Information). Our observations are further confirmed by SEM images (Figure The pieces of crushed cement composites after the solvent replacement process were glued to a support with conductive carbon adhesive and the fracture surface was sputtercoated with a thin layer of gold prior to SEM imaging. All cylindrical samples were dried in the air for 24 h before performing mechanical tests. The image of CIG0.05 specimen shows, indeed, regular and compact microstructure composed mainly of CSH phase. He previously spent time at The Conversation, Mashable and The Santiago Times, earning a Masters degree in communications from Melbournes RMIT University along the way. The content of graphene oxide was 0.01 wt%, 0.03 wt%, and 0.05 wt%. The chemical composition of the cement is presented in Table S2 (Supporting Information). The material is more expensive to produce at around 5 percent additional cost, but because less of it is needed the company estimates that it can offer an overall saving of between 10 to 20 percent to the customer. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Mixing procedure from PNEN 1961:2005 was then adopted. National Library of Medicine The vessel was then put on the base plate under the plunger. In the case of FTIR, the peaks attributed to OH of Ca(OH)2 at 3650 cm1,26 as well as CO of CaCO3 at 874 and 1414 cm1,52 can be observed. B., McRae G., Miller T.. Chuah S., Li W., Chen S. J., Sanjayan J. G., Duan W. H.. Borges P. H. R., Costa J. O., Milestone N. B., Lynsdale C. J., Streatfield R. E.. Murugan M., Santhanam M., Sen Gupta S., Pradeep T., Shah S. P.. Collier N. C., Sharp J. H., Milestone N. B., Hill J., Godfrey I. H., http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Compressive strength: increase of 11% for pristine CNTs, 17% for annealed CNTs, decrease of 86% for carboxygroup functionalized CNTs, Dumbbellshaped cylinders with a diameter of 2 mm, Compressive strength under dynamic loading: 40%. C.. Galiotis C., Frank O., Koukaras E. N., Sfyris D.. Palermo V., Kinloch I. Characterization and Measurements: In order to investigate the dispersion of graphene and graphene oxide in alkaline environment, 3.0 mL of graphene and graphene oxide aqueous dispersions with concentration of 0.07 mg mL1 were first prepared. The visible densification of microstructure provides a rational explanation of the remarkable performance of cementEEG mortars in mechanical properties tests. Because of these reasons, the influence of EEG on mechanical properties of CEM II mortars turned out to be marginal. This article is light on for details. The sample was placed in the vessel in two layers and each layer was subjected to vibration on a vibration table. Surely that would be cheaper and also recycle something that at present cannot be recycled. Are we measuring compressive, tensile, shear, twisting strength? We have then extended our studies to TGA measurements of samples cured for 1, 3, and 7 d, allowing us to follow the evolution of Ca(OH)2 formation at different stages of cement hydration (Figure (Figure6d).6d). Interestingly, the evaluation of the specific surface area of cementitious composites has been shown being a powerful tool for assessing the CSH phase development, which is strongly associated with the degree of cement hydration.25 Because of this reason, we have characterized the porosity of CIR, CIG0.05, and CIG0.05 specimens by N2 adsorptiondesorption isotherms measurement at 77 K (Figure S8a, Supporting Information). All resulting cement composites were placed into steel cylindrical molds with the diameter of 60 mm and the height of 120 mm. Now FG fibers would really increase strength. 8600 Rockville Pike Thereby, our results highlight the crucial importance of proper fluidity of cement mix while manufacturing cementitious composites on a larger scale. In summary, we have demonstrated a novel cementitious nanocomposite incorporating graphene that features remarkably enhanced mechanical properties and microstructure. Accessibility Graphene and cement were stirred sufficiently at low speed (140 rpm) using a hand mixer to obtain a homogenous dry mixture. Three samples of 15 mg of each cement mortar were, first, kept isothermally at 30 C for 30 min and then heated from 30 to 1000 C at a heating rate of 10 C min1. The one number given doesn't help evaluate the product. FWG Ltd UK (Kent) had demonstrated this a few years ago including graphene strengthened plastic. Dispersion of graphene oxide sheets with concentration of 4 mg mL1 was purchased from Graphenea Inc. Graphite flakes were purchased from SigmaAldrich. Nationwide Engineering has crunched the numbers on this, and claims that if Concretene was used across the global supply chain it could shave as much as two percent off worldwide emissions. If you construct a 2 inch sudpended slab it may be so flexible that people would feel unsafe walking on it. Artur Ciesielski, Email: rf.artsinu@iksleiseic. Reduction of in cement in the mix resulted in the steel reinforcing corroding and the term concrete cancer is commonly used to describe this effect. So the article needs to flesh out how this new additive is beneficial. After 24 h, the hardened cement mortar samples were demolded and continued to be cured in water at 20 C. There was a comment that this additive may allow slabs to be reduced from 4 inches to 2 inches. In particular, two types of cement were employed, which were provided by Gorazdze Cement S.A.: CEM I 42.5R (Portland cement Type I) and CEM II/BS 32.5RNA (Portland cement Type II with granulated blast furnace slag). Has there ever been any studies done on the effects of long term exposure to graphene? The concrete supply companies reduced the quantity of cement in the mix and introduced an additive to the concrete mix to maintain its strength. Both elements of the electrolytic cell were immersed in aqueous solution of (NH4)2SO4 with concentration of 0.1 m. A starting current of 0.4 A generated by the applied voltage of 15 V (ISOTECH IPS603 DC power supply) prompted the exfoliation of graphite foil.
"That means we can dose our additive directly at the batching plant where the concrete is being produced as part of their existing system, so theres no change to production or to the construction guys laying the floor.". The watertocement ratio was kept at 0.5. In most cases increase strenght is not required. Nevertheless, the value changes only from 11.21% in reference samples to 10.55% in CIIG0.05 specimens. Have they got instrumentation embedded in the new concrete? The Ca(OH)2 content estimated using TGA turned out to be reduced marginally in samples incorporating EEG (Figure S10a, Supporting Information). But there are many aspects to "strength". The morphology of electrochemically exfoliated graphene was investigated using a Veeco Dimension 3100 AFM with a Nanoscope IV control unit under ambient condition. Two measurements were performed for each cement mortar and the average was taken. All specimens were immediately covered by polyethylene foil to prevent loss of water. Additionally, a reference mixture with 0.05 wt% dosage of GFs was fabricated using CEM I. A., Ligi S., Pugno N. M.. Pan Z., He L., Qiu L., Korayem A. H., Li G., Zhu J. W., Collins F., Li D., Duan W. H., Wang M. C.. Wang M., Wang R., Yao H., Farhan S., Zheng S., Du C.. Li W., Li X., Chen S. J., Liu Y. M., Duan W. H., Shah S. P.. Li X., Lu Z., Chuah S., Li W., Liu Y., Duan W. H., Li Z.. Shang Y., Zhang D., Yang C., Liu Y., Liu Y.. Lu Z., Li X., Hanif A., Chen B., Parthasarathy P., Yu J., Li Z.. Li X., Korayem A. H., Li C., Liu Y., He H., Sanjayan J. G., Duan W. H.. Zhu X. H., Kang X. J., Yang K., Yang C. H.. Zhao L., Guo X., Ge C., Li Q., Guo L., Shu X., Liu J.. Parvez K., Wu Z., Li R., Liu X., Graf R., Feng X., Mllen K.. Parvez K., Li R., Puniredd S. R., Hernandez Y., Hinkel F., Wang S., Feng X., Mullen K.. Abdelkader A. M., Cooper A. J., Dryfe R. A. W., Kinloch I. This provides unambiguous proof that the addition of graphite flakes, in contrast to EEG, does not affect the microstructure and hydration products of cement composites, acting only as dispersed reinforcement. These observations are also supported by XRD (Figure S10b, Supporting Information) and FTIR (Figure S10c, Supporting Information) analysis. Moreover, the improved performance of cementitious composites incorporating graphene, in particular the significantly enhanced tensile strength, will allow designing lighter concrete structures with extended durability. The authors declare no conflict of interest. However, the hydration degree may be estimated on the basis of remaining peaks of alite and belite at the positions of 28.7 and 29.4.51 As observed for CIG0.05 sample, the peaks of alite and belite disappeared, indicating that EEG has promoted the hydration reactions, thus leading to a higher degree of hydration compared to plain cement mortar. D.P. Five samples of cement mortar were prepared for each test and the average was taken. To obtain the compression stressstrain curve, linear polyester strain gauges with gauge factor of 2.13 (PFL3011, Tokyo Sokki) were employed. Graphene was produced by electrochemical exfoliation of graphite foil (Alfa Aesar, 0.5 mm thick) using a platinum wire (GoodFellow, diameter of 0.5 mm) and aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 (SigmaAldrich). Because Concretene is far stronger than traditional concrete, far less of it is required to bring the same structural strength to a building, which could result in a far smaller carbon footprint and cost. At the core of our approach is graphene obtained by electrochemical exfoliation of graphite, dried and wiped through the set of sieves, prior to mixing with cement. How a Silicon Valley dad designed the next generation of face mask, Huge genetic study suggests alcohol accelerates biological aging, Moon caves may offer year-round jeans-and-jacket temperatures. 7 Since the formation of portlandite is a highly complex process extensively varying at the different stages of ongoing cement hydration, we have then performed XRD and FTIR analysis on samples cured for 28 d, in order to gain further insight onto the course of cement hydration reactions and their products. For TGA, XRD, and FTIR analyses, the crushed pieces of cement composites were, initially, grounded completely into fine powder and filtered through a 250 m sieve to remove coarse grains of sand.
The plunger was allowed to freely fall from the height of 100 mm above the vessel. Basically, as CSH gel is an amorphous phase, it cannot be detected during XRD analysis. A.. Eredia M., Bertolazzi S., Leydecker T., El Garah M., Janica I., Melinte G., Ersen O., Ciesielski A., Samor P.. Munuera J. M., Paredes J. I., VillarRodil S., AynVarela M., MartnezAlonso A., Tascn J. M. D.. Ghods P., Isgor O. The compressive strength tests were performed using MEGA 33000100 compressive strength tester (Form+Test Prfsysteme) at a loading rate of 0.5 kN s1. Basically, when Portland clinker reactions are in progress, granulated blast furnace slag is then activated by alkalis and starts to react with calcium hydroxide released by Portland cement. Concrete production accounts for around eight percent of global carbon emissions, and would stand behind only China and the US as an emitter if it were a country. TGA was performed using Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC 2 sensor using alumina crucibles. Recent research projects have demonstrated how the wonder material graphene could play a role in this and now we're seeing the first real-world deployment of the technology, with engineers using so-called "Concretene" to form the foundations of a new gym in the UK. In this regard, our composite significantly outperforms previously reported composites with graphene derivatives. We first established a technologically simple and efficient method for producing a cementgraphene composite, which can be easily employed in industrial scale applications. Remarkably, the addition of 0.05 wt% of graphene to ordinary Portland cement results in significant enhancement of tensile strength up to 79% and, simultaneously, slight increase of compressive strength and Young's modulus by 8% and 9%, respectively. Doesn't the strength of concrete increase with any added fiber? For cement mortar containing graphene, dried graphene was wiped through the set of five sieves with the finest mesh sieve size being 250 m. Two different methods for stopping the cement hydration in order to obtain the most satisfactory and precise results were employed: freezedrying to effectively preserve the composition of cement mortar for TGA, XRD, and FTIR analyses and solvent replacement method to avoid damage of pores and alternations to the cement mortar microstructure for SEM and BET.53, 54 After mechanical tests, samples were crushed into small pieces of 35 mm. Further to my previous comment, I see that there was a link that answered some of my queries. Prior to the BET measurements, the samples were outgassed for 10 h at 100 C. The microstructure of the fracture surface of hardened cement mortar was investigated by SEM using FEI Dual Beam 235 with the accelerating voltage of 5 keV incident beam energy. However, after 3 d notable decrease in Ca(OH)2 content for reference sample is noted, a fingerprint of the presence of granulated blast furnace slag. However, no significant changes for GO samples were detected by XRD. Significantly, the results indicate the increased development of the highly porous phase, i.e., the CSH gel, resulting from the addition of EEG. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help In this regard we note that, initially, EEG promotes the nucleation of calcium hydroxide from saturated solution. The preparation method described allows manufacturing a nanocomposite without the use of surfactants or any special treatment to obtain the homogenous dispersion of graphene within cement matrix. Moreover, EEG appears to modify the molar ratio of reaction products (see Equation (2) and (3)), hence leading to much more intense formation of strong CSH phase and, simultaneously, highly reduced amount of calcium hydroxide. Pass energies of 200.00 eV for wide energy scans and 10.0020.00 eV for scans were used. Yes this new addtive increases strength of concrete by 30% and adds water proofing but are costs reduced? Significantly, we also observed that no major differences occurred in the diffraction patterns and FTIR spectra of reference samples and samples with graphite flakes, pointing toward similar mineralogical compositions of both materials. Subsequently concrete was then specified by the minimum amount of cement as well as strenght to redress matters. Then 100 L of saturated aqueous Ca(OH)2 solution was introduced into both dispersions. As a consequence, additional amount of CSH phase is formed.46 Our results suggest that although graphene does promote hydration of Portland cement resulting in higher CSH nucleation, it constrains, to a certain extent, the activation of slag. Adsorption isotherms were calculated for nitrogen adsorption at 77 K and pressures up to 1 bar. Alite with its fast reaction and high release of heat is responsible for early hydration, thus contributing mainly to earlyage strength of concrete, whereas the reaction of belite being markedly slower releases less heat and contributes to longterm strength.46, 49. SEM images for a) CIR, b) CIG0.05, c) CIGO0.05, and d) CIGF0.05 samples at the age of 28 d. Red, green, and violet colors represent CSH phase, ettringite, and calcium hydroxide crystals, respectively. A plain mortar (labeled as R), five mixtures with EEG (labeled as G) and three mixtures containing GO were prepared for each type of cement (CI or CII). Sci. Water was added to cement with graphene and the mixer was immediately started at low speed for 30 s. After that, sand was steadily added during the next 30 s and the mixer was switched to high speed (285 rpm) for additional 30 s. Afterward, the mixer was stopped to remove all the mortar adhering the walls of the bowl and then mixing was continued at high speed for 60 s. For samples with graphite, graphite flakes were also added to cement prior to pouring water, whereas for composites with graphene oxide, the GO dispersion was added to cement simultaneously with water. At this initial stage, the hydration of CEM II strongly resembles that of ordinary Portland cement.46 Indeed, this phenomenon is highly visible in Figure S10d (Supporting Information). Dispersions of graphene and graphene oxide in alkaline environment were investigated by using saturated aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 (SigmaAldrich). Moreover, as revealed by mechanical properties tests, as well as FTIR analysis, the development of hydration is slightly inhibited by GO addition due to poor workability, and thus the inadequate compaction and distribution of mortar components. The mechanical and other physical properties of the cement are reported in Table S1 (Supporting Information). Finally, collected materials were dried at 60 C for at least 48 h. Cement Mortar Preparation: Cement mortar was prepared by mixing cement, sand, water, and graphene/graphene oxide/graphite flakes. 10.1002/advs.201801195 Leszek Szojda, Email: [email protected]. Engineering design is not just about strength. An angular resolution and a typical counting time per each step were of 0.02 and 10 s, respectively. As the world's strongest artificial material, graphene may have a lot to offer the world of construction, among its many other potential uses. We are thrilled to have developed and constructed this game-changing, graphene-enhanced concrete on a real project, says Alex McDermott, co-founder of Nationwide Engineering. The end result is improved bonding at a microscopic scale, and material that is around 30 percent stronger than standard concrete. Two pairs of strain gauges were attached to the two sides of the sample to measure axial and transverse strain. Careers, Received 2018 Jul 25; Revised 2018 Sep 11, This is an open access article under the terms of the, GUID:3B8D2ECA-35F5-4389-9B27-341F04242ACC, consistency, electrochemically exfoliated graphene, mechanical properties, Portland cement, structural characterization. The specific surface area was measured using a Micromeritics ASAP 2050 surface area and porosity analyzer. In Portland cement with the addition of granulated blast furnace slag, Portland cement components start to hydrate first.
Scientists have previously found success incorporating it into the concrete manufacturing process to make the finished product stronger and more water-resistant, while one research project even demonstrated how this graphene can be recovered from old tires. CIR composite displays a specific surface area of 9 m2 g1, while the specific surface area of CIGO and CIG is calculated with the BET model as 17 and 29 m2 g1, respectively. Moreover, the intense band at 955 cm1 represents the stretching vibration of SiO bonds of CSH gel revealing, in particular, higher formation of CSH phase in cement mortar reinforced with graphene and, simultaneously, restrained CSH growth in cementGO composites. and Figure S9, Supporting Information). Diffraction patterns were collected at room temperature in the scattered angular range between 6 and 60. Nos. All experiments were performed under air atmosphere. In the case of GO, Figure Figure6d6d shows that at the initial stage of hydration, the precipitation of calcium hydroxide is severely restrained by GO addition, a consequence of entrapping free water molecules by GO agglomerates. 2019, 6, 1801195 What would dramatically change engineering would be if the additive could improve the tensile strenght of concrete sufficently to be used without the need of steel reinforcement.
It is said to be "30% stronger" than unenhanced concrete. [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]. Has there been any attempt to add graphene to hempcrete? XRD was carried out on Bruker ASX D8 Advanced with Cu anode with K radiation ( = 1.5418 ). Topographic imaging was carried out in tapping mode with the use of antimony (n) doped silicon cantilever. We have produced a graphene-based additive mixture that is non-disruptive at the point of use," says Dr Craig Dawson, from the University of Manchester. The sandtocement ratio was also kept constant in all mixes and it was equal to 3.0. According to PNEN 199211:2008 the Young's modulus was determined as a secant value between zero stresses and stresses equal to 40% of the average compressive strength. Interestingly, the addition of GO results in intense formation of calcium hydroxide, achieving a value as high as 13.8% for CIIGO0.05 samples. The consistency of fresh mortars was determined according to PNEN 10154 by the plunger penetration method. These findings, combined with XRD and FTIR results, suggest that graphene promotes the hydration of calcium silicates, thus resulting in lower amount of alite and belite remaining in hardened cement paste. The cement mortar pieces intended for solvent replacement method were immediately soaked in acetone for 48 h and then ovendried at 40 C for 48 h. Simultaneously, the remaining mortar pieces were immersed in liquid nitrogen for 10 min and thereafter placed into VirTis BenchTop Pro (SP Scientific) freeze dryer at 82.5 C and 26 Pa for 72 h. All specimens were subsequently stored in a desiccator until testing. Or will they just be looking in now and then to see if it fails? Since the amount of sand was kept constant in all mixes, XRD patterns were scaled up by the intensity of major Quartz peak at position of 2 = 26.6.51 The peaks for Ca(OH)2 appear at 18.0 and 34.1.51, 52 Indeed, XRD results confirm visibly the decrease of Ca(OH)2 amount in CIG0.05 samples as revealed previously by TGA. The freshly poured Concretene is the handiwork of scientists at the University of Manchester and construction firm Nationwide Engineering. Raw SEM images have been shown in the Supporting Information. Cement mortar with a higher dosage of graphene oxide was not produced due to the reduction of fluidity and setting time, thus resulting in poor workability. The authors acknowledge financial support from the European Commission through the Graphene Flagship (GA696656), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche through the Labex project CSC (ANR10LABX0026 CSC) within the Investissement d'Avenir program (ANR10120 IDEX000202), the International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry (icFRC), the Polish National Science Center (Grant. Krystek M., Pakulski D., Patroniak V., Grski M., Szojda L., Ciesielski A., Samor P.. Monteiro P. J. M., Miller S. A., Horvath A.. Manzano H., Enyashin A. N., Dolado J. S., Ayuela A., Frenzel J., Seifert G.. Miller S. A., Horvath A., Monteiro P. J. M.. Sobolkina A., Mechtcherine V., Khavrus V., Maier D., Mende M., Ritschel M., Leonhardt A.. Musso S., Tulliani J.M., Ferro G., Tagliaferro A.. KonstaGdoutos M. S., Metaxa Z. S., Shah S. P.. Torabian Isfahani F., Li W., Redaelli E.. KonstaGdoutos M. S., Batis G., Danoglidis P. A., Zacharopoulou A. K., Zacharopoulou E. K., Falara M. G., Shah S. P.. Bonaccorso F., Lombardo A., Hasan T., Sun Z., Colombo L., Ferrari A. SiO2 (belite)46, 49, Noteworthy, although these two reactions result in the same hydration products, they differ considerably in hydration rate, heat, and the amount of produced Ca(OH)2. Krystek M., Pakulski D., Patroniak V., Grski M., Szojda L., Ciesielski A., Samor P., Adv. Moreover, XRD patterns reveal a slight decrease in alite and belite amount for samples with graphene, while FTIR spectra show a similar trend in CSH phase formation as in CEM I. Sorry but doesn't pass the smell test. Graphene was incorporated in the cement mortar at five different percentages, namely, 0.01 wt%, 0.03 wt%, 0.05 wt%, 0.075 wt%, and 0.1 wt% (dosage by weight of cement). In the 70s concrete was specified by strength. Moreover, the average pore diameter calculated with the BarrettJoynerHalenda model for CIR, CIGO, and CIG amounts to 3.9 nm (Figure S8b, Supporting Information). Spot size was of 400 m.
Overall, such findings provide unambiguous evidence that our composite can boost the practical application of graphene in concrete technology. So does it allow us to reducing the amount of cement and still maintain the required strenght and reduce costs? As in CEM I composites, the lowest value of Ca(OH)2 occurred in samples with the highest tensile strength. Electrochemical Exfoliation of Graphite Foil: Graphite foil cut into pieces of 2.5 cm x 6 cm was used as anode and platinum wire was used as cathode in an electrolytic cell. On the basis of the strain gauges measurements, the modulus of elasticity was calculated. To form the material, the team adds tiny amounts of graphene to water and cement, where it both acts as a mechanical support and offers an extra catalyst surface for the chemical reactions that turn the mix into the concrete paste. The resulting material was then rinsed several times and filtrated via polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes (pores diameter of 5 m). FOIA FWG also has developed a unique way to create graphene from easily available materials. The exfoliation was conducted for 3 h, i.e., until the graphite foil was completely exfoliated. Mechanical properties tests were conducted on cylindrical samples (Figure S4, Supporting Information) at the age of 28 d. The tensile strength was determined using ZD 10/90 tensile strength tester (Heckert) at a loading rate of 1.0 kN s1. XPS analyses were performed on a photoelectron spectrometer with a basic chamber pressure of 109 mbar and an Al anode as the Xray source (Xray radiation of 1486 eV).
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