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Shane decided he does not like the Masuyama 35mm, find out why. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Jun 30th: Objects to Observe in the July 2022 Night Sky, Jun 2nd: ObjectstoObservein the June 2022 Night Sky, May 5th: Objects to Observe in the May 2022 Night Sky, Mar 31st: Objects to Observe in the April 2022 Night Sky, Mar 3rd: ObjectstoObservein theMarch2022 Night Sky, Feb 17th: What to See In The Winter Sky Before Its Gone. Hear the details in this episode. Chris purchased one of Shanes miniBorg 50mm telescopes and is now a member of the Tiny Telescope club! You may want to add some of these to your observing lists. Chris and Shane share some recent observing reports as well as some of the binoculars that they like to use for astronomy. There is also one more listener observation log that was done in a unique way. by Chris Beckett | May 19, 2022 | Actual Astronomy. Chris shares his observations of Comet NEOWISE, Jupiter, and Saturn while at Grasslands National Park. Come listen to the first light reports and other other helpful tips such as how to test the optics of a new telescope. Chris and Shane discuss a buffet of topics on this episode and a shoutout to Feedspot for placing our podcast in their top 5 list. Then Chris and Shane discuss some telescopes they are thinking of buying in the future. Chris and Shane talk with special guest, Mike Rector, about sketching and observing. This is a great way to acquire items that are on your wish list. Chris and Shane discuss two listeners observations that recently observe red Sirius B. Naked Astronomy, from the Naked Scientists, Sky Tour Astronomy Podcast Sky & Telescope, The Cosmic Companion - Astronomy, Space, Technology Advancing Humanity, Good Heavens! Chris and Shane provide a general overview of deep sky objects and some of the observational history. Chris and Shane talk about this and other objects to observe in December.
After a quick shout out to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Chris and Shane talk about recent observations of the Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Today @ActualAstronomy will help you find the planets as well as the Moon. Chris and Shane discuss a wonderful open cluster tour that goes through Taurus and Perseus. Chris and Shane compare their observations of Jupiter and Saturn as the two planets approach conjunction. Chris and Shane talk about some interesting deep sky objects to observe in some well placed winter constellations. Chris and Shane talk about why they enjoy observing with other people and give tips on how you can meet up with astronomers. Chris and Shane talk about early observations of Martian canals and other interesting Mars observations from the past. Listen as they battle to the death to determine which method is better.just kidding, no battles here. Showing people objects through your telescope can be very rewarding. Chris and Shane discuss how they clean optics. A listeners audio message about his experience with a new eyepiece is played and Shane shares how he has conquered the cold! Chris and Shane are excited for one of their many voyages to Grasslands National Park to do some observing under the darkest skies in Canada. With poor skies so far this year Chris and Shane plan their end of winter observations including lots of faint nebulae, some galaxies, bright clusters and a bit of history. Sometimes the weather conspires against amateur astronomers by delivering cloudy skies. [email protected] to learn how! Astronomers still use atlases to navigate the night sky. More details in this episode. This episode is all about reflectors! These three constellations have many galaxies that are easily visible with amateur telescopes. Chris and Shane discuss a listener question, what are the attributes that good observers have? From large to small and how to mount them all we discuss the ins and outs of using binocularsfor stargazing and why everyone should dust off those binoculars on the shelf and take them out under the stars. Chris and Shane had some really good observing conditions and took full advantage of it! Chris and Shane have nearly completed adding all of the parts needed to use their miniBorg 50mm telescopes. Find out everything you need to know to see the planet that is closest to the sun. Chris and Shane talk about different techniques to see the last little bit of planetary detail and share recent observations of Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Chris and Shane share some recent observations from their backyards. Join Chris and Shane as they 'reboot' their podcast that focuses on amateur astronomy. Chris and Shane talk about some interesting listener observing projects which includes some citizen science with a Unistellar eQuinox. Shane plans to use this new eyepiece in his telescopes. Check out Brians website, Chris and Shane discuss interesting deep sky objects to observe in Scorpius. Chris and Shane share some of their recent observations. Chris and Shane discuss some interesting email exchanges with listeners. Want to be part of our future? Chart? Chris gives an update on his recently acquired Celstron Comet Catcher. Chris and Shane discuss what to observe in some spring constellations. Chris and Shane were able to get lots of observing done this past week. Chris and Shane recap their observing from the past week and Chris was able to test his new configuration for the Takahashi FC100. Chris and Shane discuss the merits of using filters that claim to help with light pollution and find out how you can win a brand new copy of the RASC 2021 Observers Handbook. Shane received his Borg 50FL and talks about a short session observing Jupiter and Saturn. Show notes for this episode are found at, Chris and Shane provide some objects to observe in the summer Milky Way. Hear the details in this episode. Chris and Shane were to do a lot of observing during the past week. In addition Shane shares his recent session observing the Sun with a hydrogen alpha telescope. Show notes for this episode are found at, Chris and Shane discuss summer star clouds that are great targets to add to your observing list. You can do this tour with binoculars or a telescopeif you have very dark skies, then all you need are your eyes! Today Actual Astronomy presents double stars with specialguest observer Blake Nancarrow who is the National Observing Chair for the RASC. Chris and Shane talk about their experiences with the Pentax XW eyepieces. Bad weather is preventing Chris and Shane from observing, but there are lots of listener emails in this episode.
This is a special edition podcast to provide our listeners everything they need to observe the comet. stands for when you are looking to purchase an eyepiece? Chris and Shane talk about some new some gear they have received as well as some that is on the way. In 2013, we evolved to add video, and in 2015 we joined the International Year of Light. Chris and Shane discuss the significance of asterisms and list a bunch to observe. Music by Will Beckett. Chris and Shane discuss lots of great things to observe in July 2022. Chris and Shane read listener observations of comet C/2021 A1 Leonard. Now that Covid restrictions have lifted in many different countries, Chris and Shane revisit some advice for people new to the hobby. Lets go on a Binocular Tour of the Summer Milky-Way This is one I did using 7x35mm binoculars last week What do we need to get started? Backyard observatories, vintage 10 refractors, and bino-telescopes are some of the topics covered in this episode. Chris and Shane have concluded this current round of Venus observations and explain why they observed the planet on many different evenings. by Chris Beckett | Jun 16, 2022 | Actual Astronomy. Check out Blakes blog at Check out to see Justins presentation on 3D printing that he references in this episode. You might be surprised what a 50mm finder scope can show! Chris and Shane read some listener emails covering many different topics. Chris and Shane are trying something new for summershorter episodes focused on summer observing! Chris and Shane discuss some listener photos of the James Webb Space Telescope and talk a little bit about meteorites again. Lucien Kemble. Chris and Shane discuss interesting solar system objects and events to observe! This might be the easiest month to find the planets in the night sky. Chris and Shane share observations of fading Comet NEOWISE. Chris and Shane discuss the history of Scorpius and some of the best objects to observe in the constellation. Plus get an update on comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE. Chris and Shane will tell you about the planets, Moon, and the best warm weather meteor shower. Show notes for this episode are found at, Chris and Shane provide some objects to observe in the summer Milky Way. Special guest, Dave Chapman, joins Chris and Shane to chat about telescopes and his role in making the Lunar X a popular observational target. Shane recently compared a 40mm Takahashi MC ortho to a 40mm Pentax kellner while observing some double stars and shares his thoughts. The Actual Astronomy Podcast presentsAll About Binocular Astronomyand places a focus on this fundamental tool for astronomy. Chris and Shane discuss lots of great things to observe in July 2022. Even though June does not have much darkness due to the long days, Chris and Shane share objects that they plan to observe in June. Chris and Shane talk about interesting objects and events to observe in March. As NEOWISE disappears, Chris and Shane resume their focus on the planets and share some recent observations. Chris and Shane welcome back special guest Mark Radice from Chris and Shane talk about some recent experiences with eyepieces, tripods, and a Herschel wedge. Prisms, mounts, diagonals and more are discussed. Special guest, amateur astronomer Bill Wier, joins Chris and Shane to talk about observing on the west coast of Canada with various telescopes including a 20 f/3.3 StarMaster dobsonian. The smoke subsided enough for Chris to get his first observing session at his new site. Chris and Shane discuss everything from new meal options when on dark sky excursions, to updates on individual astro volunteer tasks, to observing reportsand a few other things. Bad astronomy weather continues for Chris and Shane - thank goodness for listener observing reports! If you are looking for a new observing project, you might find some inspiration in this episode. Shane talks about an h-alpha solar observing session and Chris talks about some books he recently ordered. Just in time for new Moon! Chris and Shane go in many directions! Over the last few days, comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE has reached naked eye brightness! by Chris Beckett | Apr 21, 2022 | Actual Astronomy, The Actual Astronomy Podcast presentsRefracting Telescopes. Also hear about Chriss attempt to observe comet C/2020 R4 ATLAS and Shane was able to observe some double stars from the RASC double star program. Welcome to Episode 239 of the Actual Astronomy Podcast: Summer Shorts & Favourite Fields Observing Dark Nebula: A Beginners Guide. An observing guide is a great resource to help plan observing sessions. The weather has been good for astronomy which means Chris and Shane have lots to share! Spring is known as galaxy season. Hear about the first impressions in this epejsodeand some observing reports! Chris used his new telescope cover to get some extra observing done. The podcast ends with tips on how to find dark skies near you. Now that Jupiter and Saturn are getting lower in the sky, Chris and Shane talk about observing other solar system objects. Chris and Shane talk about how effective some lower priced eyepieces are. The weather has finally improved and Shane was able to get out multiple times to observe. Have you heard of the Summer Triangle? Chris and Shane are trying something new for summershorter episodes focused on summer observing! In this episode we are joined by guest Don Machholz from the Looking Up With Don Podcast and discuss about Messier marathon and comet hunting. Chris has been doing some naked eye observing and a listener shares their observation of the zodiacal light. Chris and Shane discuss some interesting email exchanges with listeners. Chris and Shane continue the focused discussion on different telescope designs. Noctilucent cloud season is upon us, find out what this phenomena is and how to observe it. Chris was able to try his 32mm Masuyama and Shane was able to try his 12.5mm Baader Morpheus. Chris was able to observe with his Comet Catcher and Shane observed with his newly acquired Borg 25mm achromat. Shane talks about first light with his recently acquired classic telescope, the Tasco 10TE. Chris and Shane share what they do to stay warm while observing in cold temperatures. Chris provides an update on his Webb research project. Chris had first light with his 50mm miniBorg and shares his observing report.