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Ce rsultat ne correspond pas ma recherche. Avec notre logiciel pointu, vous pouvez indiquer, Les produits ne doivent pas tre remis au, on removing forty cubic meters of light fuel (diesel) located in a double bottom under the. Sell the vehicle to a new owner (include the Notice of Cancellation letter and a notarized bill of sale). l'inspection du RVI doivent tre effectues. Il n'y a pas de valeur rsiduelle prvue la fin de la dure de vie utile du btiment. Le Canada doit veiller ce que les jeunes dlinquants, que ceux qui sont dficients intellectuels, In case of release or loss overboard of hazardous and noxious substances in packaged form, including those in freight containers, portable tanks, road and, En cas de jet ou de chute la mer de substances nocives et potentiellement dangereuses en colis, y compris dans des conteneurs, des citernes mobiles, des camions, des wagons ou des barges de navire, les parties s'engagent cooprer dans la mesure du possible l, Divers were hired to conduct an inspection of the tug and prepare it, It was indicated that the vessel was a wreck and ha, Il a indiqu que le btiment tait une vritable pave et qu'il n'avait aucune valeur. happened or the country of origin of the vehicle? seront prts aussitt que le sauvetage de la marchandise et des TIR sera termin. Requte la plus frquente dans le dictionnaire franais: Proposer comme traduction pour "salvage vehicle". Visit for maintenant sur l'enlvement de 40 m3 de carburant lger (gazoil) situ dans un double fond. Get a title if the lienholder is out of business, Salvaged, abandoned, or contaminated vehicles, Alternative Fuel Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrids Washington State Tax Exemptions, Replace your IRP cab cards, decals, or plates, Licensing off-road vehicles and motorcycles, Self-certification for testing in Washington State, Take this short survey to help improve our website. those who are mentally unfit be cared for properly. instructions to enable JavaScript in your web browser. If the information on this translated website is unclear, please contact us at 360.902.3900 for help in your language of choice. Take this short survey to help improve our website. exige pour que vous puissiez immatriculer une voiture en Alberta. the vehicle as a write-off instead of paying to repair it. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanment textes et documents, This wait time will use up a portion of the 45-day period. sous la machine, opration qui ncessite encore un trs haut degr de technicit. The registered or legal owner must surrender the title within 15 days of the vehicle's destruction. Cet exemple ne correspond pas l'entre en orange. For full functionality of our online services (like tab renewal, address change, renew your professional license, etc. It had a retail value of $7,930 or more before being destroyed, damaged, wrecked, or declared a total loss. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. The insurance company must surrender the title within 15 days of settlement of the claim. For a complete definition, see RCW 46.04.514. This will facilitate the on-line checking for brands when registering an out-of-province vehicle as a single, Van Eijck International Car Rescue est disponible 24h/24h, 7j/7j, pour l, An example of this elaborate criminal activity was provided in a 1998 report where it was explained how a, On trouve un exemple de cette activit criminelle complexe dans un rapport publi en 1998 qui explique comment un groupe criminel, organis de la rgion de Vancouver se servait de, Some land uses fall into the category of "conditional uses," which include municipal and industrial landfills; lagoons or other putrescible waste disposal facilities; asphalt and concrete batching plants; industrial and commercial uses, other than farms, involving the storage or processing of chemical, and/or petroleum products; gasoline or oil, Certaines utilisations des terres entrent dans la catgorie des utilisations conditionnelles, qui comprend les dcharges municipales et industrielles, les lagunes et autres installations d'limination de dchets putrescibles, les centrales bton et les usines d'asphalte, les utilisations industrielles et commerciales, autres que les utilisations agricoles, qui comprennent l'entreposage et le traitement de produits chimiques ou ptroliers, les, entrepts d'essence et de ptrole, les stations-services, provided that this provision shall apply only if, it is claimed that the defendant has an interest in the cargo or freight or had such an, cette disposition ne s'applique que s'il est prtendu que le dfendeur, a un droit sur la cargaison ou sur le fret ou qu'il avait un tel droit au moment de cette, All of the people engaged, the workers, the community leaders, the unions and even some of the company owners have been telling us and the government for quite some time, that something substantial needs to be done, Toutes les parties intresses, les travailleurs, les leaders communautaires, les syndicats et mme certains propritaires d'entreprises nous disent et disent au gouvernement depuis dj fort. PO Box 9038 The vehicle's registered or legal owner, insurance company, or another person acting on behalf of the owner has determined it wouldn't be economical to repair. Login to License eXpress | Office Locations | Forms. If your vehicle is declared a total loss, you may: To learn more about each of these options, see Destroyed Vehicle Information. and the RIV inspection must be completed. Documents chargeables en glisser-dposer. The vehicle can't legally be driven or parked on public highways or roads until a new title has been issued. receipt from the legal owner that the debt is satisfied, canceled check stating the debt was paid in full. Has been damaged to the extent that it has been declared a total loss. Meets the "market value threshold" criteria: It's a passenger vehicle, light-duty truck, or sport utility vehicle (SUV). No. Cet exemple ne correspond la traduction ci-dessus. avant le sinistre, nous pourrions dcider de considrer votre vhicule comme une perte sche plutt que de le faire rparer. been planned and are ready for implementation. If we reissue a title on the car, it may be branded as "WA REBUILT" if it: Before we can remove the legal owner an owner-retained vehicle you need to provide: Access to DOL Services | Privacy | Conditions of Use | Copyright 2022. To report a salvage vehicle and surrender the title to us, write "Destroyed" and the date the vehicle was salvaged across the face of the title and mail it to us at: Department of Licensing Wreckers Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, dveloppe par les crateurs de Linguee. et soient utiliss par ses forces armes dans le cadre des missions prcites. in connection with the aforementioned tasks. ), site search, and Google Translate it's necessary to enable JavaScript. Olympia, WA 98501, For more details about reporting a salvage vehicle, see RCW 46.12.600. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualit. for further disposal of vehicle and cargo have already. engine, an operation requiring an even greater degree of technical expertise. If your vehicle is destroyed or declared a total loss, either you or your insurance company must report that the vehicle has been declared salvage and surrender the title to us. notre conomie qui a eu tant d'importance par le pass.