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.berocket_single_filter_widget { margin:0 Mexico: Brizuela's heroics keep Toluca on pace with Cruz Azul (02/2014): MEXICO CITY (AP) - Isaac Brizuela scored a last-minute goal to give Toluca a 1-0 win over Chivas on Sunday to help the club retain second place in Mexico's first division after the eighth round, three points behind undefeated Cruz Azul. width: 75%; } box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #aaa In average, an autographed item from Cruz Azul is worth $75.00. } text-decoration:none!important; .product-template-default .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .panel, @media(max-width:768px) { padding: 1.33em 0; padding-bottom: 25px; margin-right:40px; .product-template-default .product .greyBoxcontent ul li:before { background: #fff!important; } background: #000!important; width:100%; padding:2px 0; .cff-post-text { display: block; font-size:34px; } .woocommerce div.product p.price, .trustpilot-basket-mobile { .product-template-default .tab-mobile { } color: #000!important; text-align:center; box-shadow:0 12px 10px -8px #bbb } background: #fff; } text-decoration-color:red; .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { display: none; display:block color:#fff height:15px; @media screen and (min-width:768px) { max-width: 100% !important; .product-addon-totals .wc-pao-subtotal-line { background-color: #b81c23; font-size: 18px; .page-id-10 .section table td, .product-template-default .trustpilot-widget { @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { background-color: #1e85be!important; Items in the Worthopedia are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. } font-size:28px!important } .mabel-rpn-imageleft { } height:50px!important; } #trust-prod .column_half { width:calc(52.5% - 1.5rem - 5px)!important; padding:5px } margin-top: -12px!important; .box_black-home a { text-align:center; justify-content:center; border-top:2px solid #b4b4b4; } .ywcdd_icon_carrier:before { @media screen and (min-width:768px) { margin-top: 1rem; color:#000!important max-width:100%!important; } .ywcdd_select_delivery_date_content{ font-size:15px .bf-everything { z-index:99999999 .box_black-home h2 { .product-template-default .product { } .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { .woocommerce div.product div.images { } } padding: 13px 37px 13px 50px!important; margin-top: 16px!important; display: none; content:''; display:flex; .mabel-rpn-imageleft { /***5-6**** [email protected]. margin-right: 80px; .product-template-default .authenticity-wrap h2 { } } top:159px!important .product-template-default .wcct_countdown_round_fill p { display:none @media (min-width:768px) { .product-template-default .authentic-certificate-img p { .product-template-default .authentic-certificate { } border:0; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
font-weight:700 display:none } .addtobasket_block div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper{ font-family:Montserrat; list-style: none; .woocommerce-message { margin: .67em 0; /**********************/ padding-bottom:20px!important .woocommerce-form-login-toggle .woocommerce-info { Cruz Azul va por el mismo camino que lo llev a la final ante Monterrey (04/2013): Guillermo Vzquez suma cuatro triunfos consecutivos en Liga, igualando su mejor racha como DT. font-size:20px!important background:#f9c323; } #coupon_code { .product-template-default .wcct_timer_wrap .wcct_table .wcct_table_cell { position: relative !important; width:15px } This ball is very very hard to find because it was signed by 24 players including new player Jared Borgetti and coach Isaac Mizrahi. } } .product-template-default .wc-prl-recommendations .box { color: #fff!important; .yith-wcbm-badge-text span { } font-size: 15px; bottom:0; position:relative; } .product-template-default .tab-mobile .accordion { clear: both; .single-product div.product-addon-totals { } } padding-right:0 text-align:center; line-height:1.4 } line-height: 1.4; font-size: 14px; .product-template-default .column_half { .woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs .panel, .woo-strand-out-stock { content: '\f078'; !important; font-family:'montserratbold'!important justify-content:center; } list-style:none; left:unset; } width:24.38%!important; top:20px border-radius: 5px !important; margin-left:calc(0.55rem + 0%)!important; position:absolute; font-weight:600; margin-right: 5px; } .bf-logo { .single-product .product .summary .addtobasket_block .cart .single_add_to_cart_button { } padding:3px 15px!important font-weight:500; } margin-bottom:0 Womens football is also popular in Mexico, with a substantial number nationwide following the sport. font-family: 'Montserrat',sans-serif; } padding: 1.665em 1.75em; .box_black-home h2, .box_black-home h3, .box_black-home h4 { margin-bottom: 0; right:-100%; display:block; @media (max-width:992px){ } } MLS Clubs Finally Confirm Cruz Azul Deals (12/2013): Four days after the story broke, MLS allowed clubs to talk about the three players that had already been unveiled in Mexico City. margin-left:0; } } margin-bottom: .665rem; line-height:22px } .product-template-default .tab-mobile { color: #fff; } Javier Aquino pasa de Cruz Azul a Villarreal (01/2013): MEXICO (AP) El volante Javier Aquino, campen en el ftbol olmpico, fue vendido por el Cruz Azul al Villarreal de la segunda divisin de Espaa, inform el club mexicano el lunes. body.safari nav.woocommerce-pagination ul li { .product-template-default .product .trustpilot-widget { .authenticity-wrap h3 { } } line-height: 20px; font-weight:700 margin-right:6px right:-8px @media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1150px) { font-weight:400; font-size:16px!important Cruz Azul handles Xolos again (03/2015): The Tijuana Xolos allowed goals in each half on the way to a 2-1 loss to host Cruz Azul. .wc-proceed-to-checkout #wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper, align-items:center; -webkit-transform:rotate(90deg); padding-top:30px font-weight:700; background-color:#000 font-weight: 600; .woocommerce-message, margin-bottom:10px display:block; margin-bottom:5px @media(max-width:1199px) { margin-left:5px .product-template-default .product .share_links a use { border-top: 0px solid #000; width: 100% !important; width:100% padding-top:20px; font-family:Montserrat; .product-template-default .tab-mobile .accordion:after { padding: 1.5em 1.5em; } } color: #fff!important; .authentic-certi-box .authentic-certi-box-txt{ padding-bottom:50px .product-template-default .tab-mobile .accordion { } @font-face { } } height: auto; color:#fff .wc-prl-page-product_details .slick-slider .slick-prev::before { } margin-top:14px!important font-size:22px display:flex; list-style:none;
} } } .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { /*****5-6***** color:#fff; justify-content:space-evenly This ball was signed in Houston, Texas on team practice during the Interliga tournament a couple of weeks ago. font-size:22px!important } } font-size:14px color:#7c7c7c top:2px width: 155px; (function(){this._N2=this._N2||{_r:[],_d:[],r:function(){this._r.push(arguments)},d:function(){this._d.push(arguments)}}}).call(window);!function(a){a.indexOf("Safari")>0&&-1===a.indexOf("Chrome")&&"--ss-safari-fix-225962","1px")}(navigator.userAgent); padding-bottom:10px @media only screen and (min-width:1200px){ .display-posts-listing .excerpt-dash {display:none} .woocommerce div.product div.images { } margin-top:12px } margin-bottom:0!important flex: 0 0 calc(33% - 1.5rem); } } margin: 0 auto 20px; font-family:'montserratbold' .ywcdd_timeslot_content label { .share_links.share_links { height: 40px; .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { display: flex; .product-template-default .woocommerce-Tabs-panel .authenticity-wrap p img { } margin-right:5px!important; } right:0; left:155px; } display:none!important line-height: 24px; } top:0; -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); .pum-content *:focus, padding:.5em .woocommerce-form-login-toggle .woocommerce-info { } padding-top:30px height:100%; } .woocommerce div.product form.cart button.button { } background: #000!important; background-color: #FFC439; } } */ .addtobasket_block div { border-bottom:2px solid #b4b4b4 content:'-'; #cb_add_product_gift_field, } } #cb_add_product_gift_field, top:0!important justify-content: center; border-color: rgba(255,255,255,.25); width:155px; width: 100% !important; right:0; height:auto; div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { /***********5-6******** #bf-countdown { height:40px!important } font-size:13.5px!important; .product .summary.entry-summary p.price { margin-top:0!important @media screen and (min-width: 81em) { padding:.5em .5em .5em 3em; left:0; } display:none; #cb_add_product_field label, /*********************/ font-size:14px; .box_black-home h2, .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { .product-template-default .product .woocommerce-Tabs-panel h4 { background:red; Liga MX: Cruz Azul 3 Toluca 0 (10/2012): Toluca fell to a 3-0 Liga MX defeat at Cruz Azul on Saturday as the play-off race heated up in the Mexican top flight. width: 100%; body.home .section_invert { font-family:'Montserrat',sans-serif; } padding-top:5px } font-size:15px!important .wc-pao-addon-container .woocommerce-Price-amount { padding-top:0.5em!important margin-bottom: 8px; } } /*************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ right:0; } } @media (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1150px) { .woo-strand-available { } background:#000; letter-spacing:.075em; left:150px background:#f1f1f1; .woocommerce-info, .woocommerce-error, .woocommerce-message { } } display:block Aquino, quien ayud a Mxico a ganar la medalla, Argentino Bertolo busca fichar con el Cruz Azul (12/2012): MEXICO (AP) Con deseos de marcar la diferencia para que Cruz Azul rompa una sequa de ttulos, el volante argentino Nicols Bertolo lleg a Mxico el jueves en busca de concretar su fichaje como refuerzo de la "Mquina" para el. } } .product-template-default .addtobasket_block iframe .paypal-button-row { top:169px!important background:transparent; .product-template-default .authentic-certificate { max-width:140px!important; } .product-template-default .product .share_links a use:hover { } .trustpilot-basket-mobile {display:none} border: 3px dashed #fff; margin-bottom:0!important */ top:50%; right:unset; } .woocommerce-ordering { } .product-template-default .tab-mobile h2 { .authentic-certificate-img img { background:#fff; .wc-prl-recommendations .grid .box { width: calc(24.38% - 1.5rem - 5px)!important; box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,.3) 0 0 6px; .berocket_aapf_widget-title span { .product-template-default .product .woocommerce-Tabs-panel h2 { margin-right:5px!important; display: flex; font-size:14px; color: #fff; footer.section_fat { display:block; line-height: 28px; .product-template-default .woocommerce-Tabs-panel .authentic-Trustpilot-link { .product-template-default .tab-mobile .authenticity-wrap h2 { Bid with confidence, and have sold some autographs before. #wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { background:#000; } } left:0; float:left; background: #fff; } color:#fff!important; border-bottom:0!important .page-id-61151 .faqs-page, content:url(; width:100% !important; .product-template-default .wc-prl-recommendations::after { height:48px!important; background:#f7f7f7; content:"\f0c9"; font-size:22px; .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { margin:0 auto } display:none padding-top:30px .box_black-home { .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { } } font-family:"Open Sans",sans-serif max-width: 365px; margin-bottom:5px!important } top:125px!important; border-radius: 5px !important; top:50%; margin:0 0 15px; .single-product hr.slim { align-items:center; width:50%; .wc-prl-recommendations {margin-top:20px} top:165px!important; footer.section_fat { afterpay-placement{ left:0!important; .box_black-home h2 { margin-left:28px; .product-template-default .columns .share_links { background-color:#b81c23; Chivas: En duda Luis Prez para enfrentar a Cruz Azul (07/2012): El mediocampista tuvo un fuerte dolor en el abdomen y, por ello, no pudo entrenar al parejo de sus compaeros. } .main__subtitle { left:-210px; border-top:0 solid #000; .box_black-home h3, .woocommerce-info a { display:flex; margin-bottom:18px font-size: 16px; .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li a:hover { position:relative; -ms-flex: 0 0 33%; .product-template-default .authentic-certi-box .authentic-certi-box-img{ Theyve qualified for the World Cup an incredible fourteen times, but as of yet they have been defeated at the Quarter Finals before tasting victory. padding-top:5px!important; } { } position: absolute; } .product-template-default .woocommerce-tabs { font-size: 16px !important; } } font-style: normal; margin: 0 auto; text-transform: none; .single-product .wc-pao-addon-container { margin-bottom:8px .product-template-default .tab-mobile .accordion:before { height:15px; .spbsm-sharebuttons-output-wrapper span { } font-size: 12px; .section .page-id-10 table th { height:auto text-align:center; .tp-inner { margin-bottom:10px!important; } font-family:'montserratbold'!important; } max-width:49%!important } width:calc(50% - 1.5rem - 5px); border:0 padding-top:36px .product-template-default .product .greyBoxcontent ul li strong { } } font-size: 14px; font-family: 'FontAwesome' !important; font-family: 'montserratbold' !important; .box_black-home h4 { margin:0!important font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; .product-template-default .columns .share_links span { font-size:10px .aws-container .aws-search-form{ border: 2px solid #cdcdcd; } */ width: 160px !important; background:#000!important; } background: white!important; top: 20px !important; } text-align: center; margin:0 .cart-empty { font-size:14px; ul.display-posts-listing .excerpt { .wc-pao-addon-description { width: 14.5vw !important; border:1px solid #daba4d; clear: none!important; } background:white!important; } margin-bottom: 10px!important; .product-template-default .authenticity-wrap hr { } font-weight:700; } .product-template-default .woocommerce-tabs { } @media only screen and (min-width:767px){ width:auto!important .woocommerce div.product p.price { float:left; padding: 3px 15px !important; } font-weight:700 width:100%; #customer_details { #trust-prod .column_half { } width: 100%; margin-right:calc(.75rem + 0%) transform:rotate(134deg); padding-top:0 margin: 0!important; margin: 0.4rem 0 0!important; box-shadow:1px 1px 5px #ddd; color: #fff; background: #f7f7f7; } ul.berocket_aapf_widget li { .ywcdd_datepicker_content p { .paypal-button-row { width:3vw; .product-template-default .wc-prl-page-product_details .box .half_p span { .woocommerce-error { margin-top:5px; display:none } @media only screen and (min-width:992px) { color: red!important; } display:inline-block; } font-weight: 700; .ywcdd_select_delivery_date_content { color:#000 .product-template-default .summary hr.slim { #wc-stripe-payment-request-button-separator { width: 165px !important; } width:80px!important; position:unset .usa-strand { YOU WILL NEVER FIND AN ITEM LIKE THIS SIGNED BY ALL PLAYERS. } That's because he was in Mexico City, undergoing a physical with the champions of CONCACAF. } I accept Paypal (preferred), money orders, or personal checks (10-day hold). .authentic-certi-box .authentic-certi-box-txt{ position: relative !important; } .woocommerce-notices-wrapper { -webkit-align-items: center; } } } Sold items reached their highest average selling price in February 2021 with $440.00 and the month that saw the lowest prices with $0.99 was November 2009. display: block; /************************/ .fa-bars:after { } The first payment is taken when the order is processed and the remaining 2 are automatically taken every 30 days. top:0; font-size:1.18em left:-21px; .product-template-default .summary hr.slim{ font-size:18px; .authenticity-wrap img, .tweets p, img { height: 35px; font-size:26px; Oduro Scores in 1-0 Win over Cruz Azul (02/2015): MEXICO CITY, Mexico - The Montreal Impact defeated Mexican side Cruz Azul 1-0 on Tuesday afternoon, thanks to a Dominic Oduro goal, in its second preparatory matchup with the Primera leading club, at the Cruz Azul training centre. .product-template-default .wcct_countdown_round_fill p { } } } font-weight: bold; .woocommerce div.product p { .aws-container .aws-search-form .aws-search-clear span { .wc-pao-addon-description { .woocommerce-error { font-size:20px .addtobasket_block div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { } padding-top:16px; } line-height: 34px; .berocket_aapf_widget-title span { font-size: 1.18em; } margin-top:5px!important; align-items:center; } .klarnaContainer+br { } } text-align: center; Item comes withe a CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY as a proof that the signatures are real. .product-template-default .wc-prl-recommendations .box_image { #mega-menu-wrap-primary #mega-menu-primary li.mega-menu-item-has-children li.mega-menu-item-has-children>a.mega-menu-link>span.mega-indicator { body .grid>.slick-list { } .display-posts-listing .excerpt-dash { .product-template-default .price span.woocommerce-Price-amount.amount { padding-bottom:0 .product-template-default .tab-mobile { @media screen and (min-width: 60em) { margin: 10px auto 15px; max-width:100% .addtobasket_block div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { .html .all .columns_stickybottoms>.column { } } margin:0.67rem 0!important; border-width:0 3px 3px 0; } body .wc-prl-recommendations .grid>* { .authentic-review-txt a { border:1px solid #ddd .product-template-default .wc-prl-recommendations .box { } font-family:'montserratbold' } display:none!important .product-template-default .product .greyBoxcontent { font-size: 18px!important; .product-template-default .product .greyBoxcontent ul li strong { .tp-inner{ .product-template-default .woocommerce div.product p.price, padding-bottom:0 /*******************/ #TSN. } American Exports: Michael Farfan leaves Cruz Azul, exploring move to MLS or Euro (01/2015): Former Philadelphia Union midfielder Michael Farfan has left Liga MX outfit Cruz Azul and is currently looking for a new club, with MLS and a move to Europe both possibilities. America vs. Cruz Azul: Liga MX live stream, TV channel, how to watch online, new (03/15/20): The Mexico City rivals face off on Sunday night, Leon vs Cruz Azul Live Stream Info- Lineup Predictions | FutnSoccer (02/2019): Leon will host Cruz Azul at the Nou Camp this Saturday, February 2, 2019 (5:00 PM Pacific) in what should be one of the more entertaining Liga MX games this weekend. border:0!important; } .product-template-default .columns .share_links span { } It competes in the Liga MX, the top division of Mexican football. .addtobasket_block div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { } height:50px!important; margin-top:12px } -ms-flex: 0 0 24.38%!important; It looks like Cruz Azul will be virtually bowing out of the Liguilla before they have a chance to set foot on their home turf. width: 100%!important; padding-bottom: 10px; border-radius: 3px; color:#fff!important; margin-top: 0.665rem; margin-top: 0; } background: #f7f7f7; src: url( format('woff2'); line-height:34px; border-bottom: 1px dotted #ddd; @media only screen and (max-width:767px){ @media screen and (max-width:670px) { @media screen and (min-width: 10em) { background:black!important } } } width: 33%; } transform:rotate(312deg); .authentic-certificate-img img { font-size:0 @media screen and (min-width:60em) { padding: .6em .95em!important; background: #daba4d; .qe-faqs-group-title { color:#000; margin:0 10px } } .product-template-default .woocommerce-Tabs-panel { .product-template-default .columns .share_links span { margin-bottom: 10px!important; img { #wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper, #wc-stripe-payment-request-button-separator { content: 'new'; } width:0; } margin-top:30px } } background-color: #daba4d !important; font-weight:600; font-weight:700 The chart below shows the trade volume over time. margin-bottom:14px!important } float:left; padding:0; .display-posts-listing .excerpt-dash { font-size:18px; margin-left:90px margin-bottom:0!important text-align: center !important; font-weight:900 -webkit-box-flex: 0; @media screen and (min-width: 87em) { .woocommerce-tabs .authenticity-wrap .columns .column.column_quarter { .product-template-default .addtobasket_block button.button.single_add_to_cart_button:before { } .addtobasket_block div#wc-stripe-payment-request-wrapper { content:url(; } .wc-proceed-to-checkout p a.checkout-button{ .product-template-default h1.product_title { } @media(max-width:340px) { display: inline-block; } border-bottom:1px dotted #ddd;
margin-left: 10px!important; } position:absolute; .minibasket { padding-left:15px; font-size:18px!important margin-bottom:5px; .product-template-default .product .share_links a use { margin-right: calc(0.75rem + 0%); /* height:50px!important; -ms-transform:rotate(90deg); margin-top:10px margin: 0!important; } .aws-search-result .aws_result_title { } margin-right:13px }
display:none max-width:500px; font-size:16px; .ywcdd_icon_carrier { padding-top:0 text-align:center; .addtobasket_block div .wcppec-checkout-buttons { max-width:140px!important
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