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Resistance to mefenoxam is common in populations of P. aphanidermatum but resistance to fenamidone and other quinone outside inhibitor fungicides has only just been reported in greenhouse floriculture crops. EPA-Nr. Label/SDS Reviews (1) Fenstop Fungicide Fenamidone - Qt is a sprayable, broad-spectrum foliar fungicide that is one of the best and most consistent fungicides against Phytophthora, Downy Mildew and Pythium diseases on ornamental plants in greenhouses. This week he sprayed one plot with an organic fungicide, wettable sulfur in suspension. 3. Consult the adjuvant label or manufacturer for crop tolerance and safety information when used with REASON 500 SC Fungicide. 0. Entries in this column were assigned by FRAC (web site 1). Reason is effective against both early blight (5.5 fl oz. Hazardous components . and fenamidone (Group 11 fungicides). 0. Zampro fungicide, when used preventively as the first spray on leafy vegetables, cucurbits and a variety of other vegetables, relieves growers of the worry about disease and gets you off to a strong start for maximum crop quality. 100 Rawson Road, Suite 1205, Victor, NY 14564 phone: (800) 877-9443 web: bioworksinc.com 2020 BioWorks, Inc. was amended with label rates of comm ercial formulations of fenami-done (Fenstop, 488 ml active ingredient [a.i. Tolerances are established for residues of the fungicide fenamidone, including its metabolites and degradates, in or on the following commodities. Protectants/Mixing Partners/Alternating (Field diseases listed) M5. cyazofamid, FRAC Group 21. WSSA mode of action complex III of fungal respiration: ubiquinol oxidase, Qo site. of Wisconsin, Extension Plant Pathology, Ph: 608-890-3072, [email protected] label Reason 500SC fenamidone 8.2 fl oz 14 days 12 hours Bayer 11 Note plant back restrictions on label. Always check product labels before use. Some coppers. Apply 2 to 4 sprays beginning at fruit set. Curzate60DF (3.2 oz foliar) cymoxanil 14 days 12 hours 27 Locally systemic Locally-systemic fungicide. REMEMBER: the label is the law. The global fungicides market is expected to grow from $19.32 billion in 2021 to $20.64 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%. Do not apply more than 16.5 fl oz per acre per year. The second product is fenamidone (Fenstar) from Bayer. Tanos 50 DF cymoxanil + Must be tank-mixed with a protectant fungicide. **Do not apply more than 9.6 fl. Use a maximum of 3 lb product/10 gal spray solution. fenamidone), (*DM* only) 4 + M5. 2. Some registrants identify the mode-of-action group on the front panel of their product labels. Fungicide treatment was applied as a foliar spray with a hand sprayer to runoff after which time the plants were maintained in the greenhouse for 14 days. Do not use treated seed for feed or food. Bayers Neil Thompson says this confirms their unique role as dual-purpose products for use during the rapid canopy growth phase. New Zealand in the late 1990s. Compatibility REASON 500 SC Fungicide is compatible with most commonly used fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, The global fungicide market is expected to grow from $19.32 billion in 2021 to $20.64 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8%. Name of Pest : Downy Mildew, Late Bligh. Each fungicide has its own mode of action and efficacies and therefore (this standard spray schedule is not necessarily related to the label recommendations). rate) and late blight (8.2 fl oz.). The product is currently unnamed and will be marketed to our industry by FMC. The product has actually been researched for the past six years and was originally identified as Exp10623. The acquisition includes product registrations and trademarks including Consento, Reason, Monceren, and Prestige, and related intellectual property and labels for both fungicides. Pages 7-12 removed, draft label. Alternate away from Group 11 fungicides to manage resistance. No label dosage rate may be exceeded, and the most restrictive label precautions and limitations must be followed . 8 Page(s). Bayer New Zealand Limited Fenamidone 500 g/l SC . Fenomenal 1kg code FENO01 Fenamidone and fosetyl-aluminium 50-150g/100L Drench but variable according to crop and situation. Revus Top (5.5 to 7 fl oz) mandipropamid+dif enoconazole 14 days 12 hours 40+3 Addition of an adjuvant is recommended. Add to cart. Fenamidone also gives protection against early blight. Reason contains the GROUP 11 fungicide, fenamidone. Revus Label (168.95 KB) Revus SDS (75.2 KB) Revus Haznote (25.39 KB) Registrations; Classification and Security; Application Advice; Filter by Crop . The active ingredient in Reason is fenamidone. Fenamidone is an imidazolinone fungicide that exhibits no known cross resistance to fungicide chemistry such as sterol inhibitors, dicarboximides, benzimidazoles, anilinopyridines or phenylamides. FRAC encourages fungicide registrants to use this system to indicate the mode-of-action group in a uniform location on their product labels. Supplier . a Do not use FRAC group 11 (azoxystrobin (Abound/Azaka), kresoxim methyl (Sovran), or trifloxystrobin (Flint)) continuously. A fungicide effective against Oomycete diseases such as downy mildew and certain leaf spot diseases. It has a role as a mitochondrial cytochrome-bc1 complex inhibitor, an antifungal agrochemical and a quinone outside inhibitor. Bayers Neil Thompson says this confirms their unique role as dual-purpose products for use during the rapid canopy growth phase. FENAMIDONE (Fenstop) 714 fl oz/50100 gal water: 12: Turnip greens: downy mildew. Title: Group Code Convenient, organic formulation. Coronet (boscalid and pyraclostrobin) fungicide seed treatment has received EPA approval for use on brassica, bulb, cucurbit, and legume vegetables.
Do not mix with strongly alkaline materials. Difenoconazole pre-mixes. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION Fenamidone 161326-34-7 44.40 Trade Secret Ingredient(s) SECTION 3. Do not mix with horticultural oil. Jan 6, 2020Fenamidone, pencycuron, from Bayer AG, acquired by Gowan Co. Fenamidone, pencycuron, from Bayer AG, acquired by Gowan Co. Gowan Crop Protection Limited, an affiliate of Gowan Co. Protectant fungicide for the control of a range of diseases in Potatoes, some fruit and vegetable crops. Fenamidone inhibits mitochondrial respiration by blocking electron transport. Observing spores on the underside of leaves is key to diagnosis. Fungicides registered for control of late blight in five European countries at October 2007 (dose rates are highest label dose rate. Dos In-furrow liquid spray Apply in a spray volume of 3 to 5 gal per acre. Must be applied in a tank mix with Dithane DG or Bravo 500. fungicide group is estimated to be low, medium or high according to the principles described in FRAC Monographs 1, 2 and 3. Consento is a fungicide which combines the protectant and translaminar action of fenamidone with the systemic and protectant properties of propamocarb hydrochloride to give protection against foliar late blight of potatoes. Resistance management is driven by intrinsic risk of fungicide, pathogen risk and agronomic risk (see FRAC pathogen risk list). Box 5569 Yuma, AZ 853665569 Product Information: 1 8008831844 PRECAUTIONS: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Fenamidone also gives protection against early blight. Reason contains the GROUP 11 fungicide, fenamidone. Information on supplier Supplier Bayer CropScience Inc #200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd, SE Calgary, Alberta T2C 3G3 Fenamidone 161326-34-7 44.4 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Currently the labels of many triazole based fungicide products claim control of Septoria tritici. Note: All brands are registered trademarks. It also controls nonphycomycetes leaf spot diseases like Alternaria and Mycosphaerella. Revus 2.08 SC : mandipropamid ; 40 : 8 fl oz : 1 : 24 oz 14 See label on other chlorothalonil fungicides. Reason 11 fenamidone 12 Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control Disarm 480 SC is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the control of certain diseases in turf. - Prevents the development of resistant pathogens. Fenamidone, pyraclostrobin and two other chemicals in cluster 2 (famoxadone and trifloxystrobin) are members of a recently developed class of SKU: PES-1936 Category: Fungicide. T,E,P Bravo Weather Stik, Bravo Ultrex, Equus DF & Echo 720 are complete for all three crops (see limits on label), others . Out of fourteen fungicides evaluated, Ametoctradin 27 % + Dimethomorph 20.27 % SC, a combi-product was found highly effective at all Avoid contact with eyes and imidazolinone fenamidone Reason methoxy-carbamate pyraclostrobin : Cabrio, Headline, Priaxor medium when mode of resistance is quantitative, and low when the fungicide has multi-site activity. Fenamidone is translaminar systemic in action (imidazolinone fungicide). Reason 500SC Fungicide, containing fenamidone, is unlikely to affect your health when used according to the label directions. S.E. ingredientes activos. This code should be used to define the FUNGICIDE GROUP code, e.g. The key risk-reduction measures on the label of Reason 500SC Fungicide to address the potential risks identified in this assessment are as follows: Pages 4-8 removed, draft label. Fenamidone falls within the Qol group of fungicides, which includes the strobilurin (STAR) type. MODE OF ACTION Similar classification lists of fungicides have been published by T. Locke on behalf of FRAGUK (Fungicide Resistance, August 2001), and by P. Leroux (Classification des imidazolinones fenamidone Resistance known in various fungal species. BAYER CROPSCIENCE. This makes it easy to avoid using products with the same code consecutively or in mixtures. FENAMIDONE ELICIO FENBUCONAZOLE INDAR - FENHEXAMIDE TELDOR All products were tested at the recommended field rates according to label instructions. monopotassium phosphate (Nutrol): 8.0 to 12.0 lb/A; PHI 0d, REI 4h, Group NC. Fenamidone is an inhibitor of the Qo (quinone outside) site within the electron transport system (QOI inhibitor) in several plant pathogenic fungal species. Rotate with other fungicide groups as per label. Product information. Information on supplier Fenamidone 161326-34-7 44.4 SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES fungicide group is estimated to be low, medium or high according to the principles described in FRAC Monographs 1, 2 and 3. Articles. The Qo fungicides inhibit plant pathogens by blocking the pathogens ability to produce energy. See label. Memorandum. 11. Treatments containing etridiazole, mefenoxam, fenamidone, and cyazofamid provided control of Pythium root rot across all cultivars in both experiments whereas Fosetyl-al, potassium phosphite, Twenty-one additional isolates then were evaluated at label rates of these fungicides. QoI fungicides are synthetic derivatives of naturally occurring strobilurin compounds and are active against a broad spectrum of fungi (Table 1). July 2019 Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. fenamidone (Group 11 fungicides) Fungal pathogens are known to develop resistance to products with the same mode of action when used . Tox review 006208. Fungicides that have broad-spectrum contact and protectant activity (Bravo, Maneb, Dithane, copper) provide some downy mildew control. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fenamidone: (5S)-3,5-dihydro-5-methyl-2-(methylthio)-5-phenyl- Its good preventative efficacy gives satisfactory control of downy mildew of grapes and late blight of potatoes and tomatoes. Fungicide. Jan 6, 2020Fenamidone, pencycuron, from Bayer AG, acquired by Gowan Co. Fenamidone, pencycuron, from Bayer AG, acquired by Gowan Co. Gowan Crop Protection Limited, an affiliate of Gowan Co. Reason 500 SC : fenamidone ; 11 : 5.5 - 8.2 fl oz : 2 : See label. Product names are given for information purposes only and are not an endorsement, nor is any criticism implied of products not mentioned. well as on azaleas with the exception of Magellan and Fenamidone. Consult the adjuvant label or manufacturer for crop tolerance and safety information when used with REASON 500 SC Fungicide. Reason 500 SC Fungicide has been granted registration for control of Blue Mold on field tobacco. Reason 500 SC Fungicide is a broad-spectrum foliar fungicide that has both systemic and translaminar action, and belongs to the fungicide group 11. Name The compound was evaluated the first time by the 2013 JMPR for toxicology where an ADI of 00.03 mg/kg bw and an label position: 1.3 ppm and 13.8 ppm in the diet The accompanying table lists fungicide and bactericide active ingredients currently available for crop protection in New Zealand in groups according to shared risk from resistance development in target pests.
32 oz concentrate. Disease control provided by the fenamidone, North Dakota and Minnesota, where these fungicides have been used near maximum label rates for several years after registration. Later, the downy-appearing sporulation of the pathogen develops almost exclusively on lower leaf surfaces (Fig. Cost of product per application is about $16.20/A for the highest label rate which is the label rate for Phytophthora blight. Label approved control of 7 diseases (Fusarium, Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot, Rusts, Take-All Patch and Type 2 Fairy Ring). Potatoes. REASON 500 SC FUNGICIDE MSDS Version 2.2 Revision Date: 03/01/2007 Page 1 of 9 SECTION 1. 0. Abstract. L.L.C., has entered into agreements with Bayer AG to acquire rights to the active ingredients fenamidone and pencycuron. Fenstop Fungicide Fenamidone Qt April 19, 2022. Strobilurins are one of the most important classes of agricultural fungicide. Fungicide Herbicide Branch. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet . Updated: June 8, 2011. For Phytophthora dreschleri root rot, either adding pest to label or not pursuing further research 1 Agri-Fos, Alude Magellan, (2787 Flowable Fungicide) (Chlorothalonil) 1.0 (1 - 1) n1 Disarm 480SC (Fluoxastrobin) 3.0 (1 - It also controls nonphycomycetes leaf spot diseases like Alternaria and Mycosphaerella. Fungal pathogens are known to develop resistance to products with the same mode of action when used repeatedly. Seed Labeling: To meet U.S. Federal Seed Act requirements, all seed treated with REASON 500 SC Fungicide must be labeled as follows: "TREATED SEED. DO NOT USE FOR FOOD, FEED OR OIL PURPOSES. Treated with fenamidone." CUCURBIT VEGETABLES Sectin 60 WG is a combination fungicide containing Fenamidone and Mancozeb, thereby giving dual contact and systemic activity against Phycomycetes diseases, late blight of potato and tomato, downy mildew of grapes and vegetables and Pythium spp. INTRODUCTION For use only as an agricultural fungicide. Dose rates tested were the highest preventative doses registered in Europe. Calgary, Alberta T2C 3G3 For product information, call: 1-888-283-6847 In case of spills, poisoning, fire or other emergencies, It is estimated to be at medium to high risk of re-sistance, and the label limits applications to three per season. The numbers were assigned primarily according to the time of product introduction to the market. Fenamidone 10% + Mancozeb 50% is a water dispersible granuler fungicide and is a combination of two active ingredients Fenamidone and Mancozeb. Ship Weight 3 lb. Fenamidone is a broad-spectrum fungicide belonging to the imidazolinone group. Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl 2.5 Gal. Potato Late Blight Fungicides Registered for WI, 2017. Rainfast within 2 hours. Labeled for tomato and potato. Registration EPA: 432-1389. This product must not be mixed with any product that prohibits such mixing . Fenamidone interfiere en el proceso de respiracin celular a nivel de mitocondrias bloqueando el transporte de electrones en el complejo III, afectando la disponibilidad de energa para el hongo.
Pythium aphanidermatum is the predominant species causing Pythium root rot on commercially grown poinsettias in North Carolina. Labels for fungicides registered in the U.S. are accessible at web site 9. Bravo or OLP M1. Fungicides registered for COMMERCIAL use on Root Crops ( Beets, Carrot, Radish, Parsnip, and Turnip) in Utah, organized by Mode of Action (MoA). Fenamidone Classification. Caligula is a liquid fungicide containing a mixture of carboxamide and triazolinthione systemic fungicide delivering preventative and curative activity against early blight. Sectin 60 WG is a combination fungicide containing Fenamidone and Mancozeb, thereby giving dual contact and systemic activity against Phycomycetes diseases, late blight of potato and tomato, downy mildew of grapes and vegetables and Pythium spp. Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Rotate with other fungicide groups as per label. Check fungicide labels for specific host information, possible phytotoxicity, rates, re-entry intervals, and resistance management information. We have been informed by Bayer CropScience that as of December 1, 2019, Gowan has acquired their fenamidone business (the AI in Reason 500 SC fungicide). Fenamidone is an imidazolinone fungicide.
Potential exposure to fenamidone may occur through the diet (food and water) or when handling and applying the product. Fenamidone Fungicide Reason 500 SC Bayer CropScience Ginseng Succulent Bean April, 2014 Chlorantraniliprole Insecticide Altacor January 2014Coragen Highbush Blueberry Label Review 24(c) indemnification Acetamiprid Insecticide Assail Fenamidone is a broad-spectrum fungicide belonging to the imidazolinone group. The acquisition includes product registrations and trademarks including Consento, Reason, Monceren, and Prestige, and related intellectual property and The updated label can be found on the PMRA label site using the search Subsequent formulators are responsible for providing documentation to support registration of their product. Fenamidone is an inhibitor of the QO (quinone outside) site within the electron transport system (QOI in- Their invention was inspired by a group of fungicidally active natural products. 11. WHAT APPLICATION METHOD IS THE BEST? In agricultural practice lower dose rates might be used. M. Prev-Am (borax) (DM) SCAB Products on labels 0. This is not a comprehensive list. Direct the spray in-furrow
Dithane DF (multiple generics) mancozeb M3 32 - 48 oz 7 See label on other mancozeb fungicides. (If you do not understand the label find someone to explain it to you in detail .) Registered fungicides for potato and tomato late blight in Wisconsin Compiled June 18, 2010 A.J. See label for application methods and restrictions.
Ametoctradin is a complex III inhibitors (pyrimidylamines) with a Fenamidone falls within the Qol group of fungicides, which includes the strobilurin (STAR) type. Consento is a fungicide which combines the protectant and translaminar action of fenamidone with the systemic and protectant properties of propamocarb hydrochloride to give protection against foliar late blight of potatoes. Fenamidone 500 g/L Contains 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one at 0.017% as a preservative READ THE LABEL AND THE BOOKLET BEFORE USING KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Bayer CropScience Inc. Suite 200, 160 Quarry Park Blvd. manufacturers on their fungicide labels. When assessing health risks, two key factors are considered: Resistance to mefenoxam is common in populations of P. aphanidermatum but resistance to fenamidone and other quinone outside inhibitor fungicides has only just been reported in greenhouse floriculture crops. '. Find supplemental labels for this product. ]/ml) or mefenoxam (Sub- their in vitro sensitivity to mefenoxam and fenamidone Isolate Host Fungicide phenotypez PA1 Poinsettia MefS, FenS PA2 Poinsettia MefR, FenS PA3 Poinsettia MefS, FenR PA4 Poinsettia MefR, FenR 282.50 $ Topsin 4.5 FL Agricultural Fungicide Thiophanate-methyl - 2.5 Gal quantity. This product requires further mixing before use. 0 5. EPA File Symbol 100-ATE Apron T69 Fungicide. Always read the label. FUNGICIDES AVAILABLE FOR COMMERCIAL SEED TREATMENTS.
Helena Prophyt: 4 pt/acre: Badge SC: 1 to 3 pt: copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride: 0 days: 24 hours: M1: fenamidone: 14 days: 12 hours: 11: Locally systemic: Follow label for resistance management.
Fenamidone (11) TMReason @ 300 mL/ha Mandestrobin (11) Intuity @ 1.2 L/ha Fungicide container labels indicate the FRAC code of each active ingredient in the product. the protection of leaves against infection by late blight given by application of a fungicide in a standard 7-day spray schedule (this standard spray schedule is not necessarily related to the label recommendations).
66330-64_Evito 480 SC Fungicide_20160218_27_66330_.pdf. Restrictions on use . Application Refer to the products Certificate of Analysis for more information on a suitable instrument technique. Contact Technical Service for further support.